sgpa To Percentage Calculator Online

SGPA to Percentage Calculator: SGPA Calculator

Thinking about studying abroad or having a job? They will ask your to submit your score in percentage. It is also asked in order to apply for bank scholarships or education loans in India, you must convert your SGPA to percentage. Learn the formula for calculating percentage marks from SGPA.

SGPA to Percentage

A calculator is basically a tool used to get an accurate result by performing mathematical steps. This is a unique tool called an SGPA-to-percentage calculator that converts SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) grade points into percentages. Such conversions are used frequently in various fields of education.

SGPA Overview

SGPA full-form is “Semester Grade Point Average“. This grading parameter is used by the Universities and Schools to assign performance grades to students for a given semester. SGPA is a often utilized as grading system in colleges and schools, although it is not globally accepted. Therefore, students always need a calculator to convert SGPA points to percentages.

Factors of SGPA

You need to know about basic things like Semesters, Grade Points, and Credit Points in order to get started with SGPA.

  • Semester: A semester usually has 6 months of duration and it is commonly used to divide academic years in order to facilitate complete  study of the course.
  • Grade Point: These points indicate the academic achievement of students in a particular subject studied during the course. The points are in direct proportion to the students’ knowledge in that specific subject.
  • Credit Points: These points quantify the level of passion that students have towards a specific subject, measured in terms of the number of hours dedicated to it. Each student must allocate a specific duration to each subject throughout the semester in order to gain qualifying credit points.

How to Calculate SGPA?

Credit points are generally used to indicate the results of each subject in a course. Before converting credit points into percentages, students must first compute their SGPA for a specific semester.

Here are a few easy step that you can follow to calculate the SGPA value for a semester.

  • Step 1: Write your credit points for each subject from your performance sheet.
  • Step 2: Multiply each subject’s credit points by its grade points.
  • Step 3: Add up the results of these multiplications for all subjects.
  • Step 4: Total the credit points for all subjects.
  • Step 5: Divide the total from Step 3 by the total from Step 4.
  • Step 6: The result is your SGPA for the semester.

Example of SGPA Calculation

Subject Credit Point Grade
English 6 10
Mathematics 4 9
History 5 8
Science 6 7

Step 1: Start by noting down the credit points for each subject – 4, 4, 3, 5.

Step 2: Next, multiply the credit points of each subject by its grade:

  • Mathematics: 4 x 10 = 40
  • English: 4 x 9 = 36
  • Science: 3x 8 = 24
  • History: 5 x 7 = 35

Step 3: Add the results of these multiplications for each subject: 40 + 36 + 24 + 35 = 135.

Step 4: Add up all the credit points for each subject: 4 + 3 + 5 + 2 = 14.

Step 5: Divide the total from Step 3 by the total from Step 4: 135 / 14 ≈ 9.64

Step 6: The result, approximately 9.64, is your SGPA for the semester.

SGPA formula from grade and credit points.

The process of calculating the SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) from the grade points of every course in a semester can be defined by a formula as follows.

SGPA (Si) = Σ (Ci x Gi) / Σ Ci
The formula consists of three variables: Si, Ci, and Gi. Si represents the SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) for the ith semester, Ci indicates the credit point of every topic in the ith semester, and Gi indicates the grade point of every topic in the ith semester.

Convert SGPA to Percentage

The formula to calculate the value is obtained by multiplying the SGPA by 10 and then subtracting 7.5 from the result.

(SGPA x 10) – 7.5

It can be split into two segments:

Step 1: Multiply the SGPA by 10.

Step 2: Take out 7.5 from the results of Step 1.

Utilize these equations to compute their SGPA and convert it to percentage numbers.

Example of SGPA to Percentage Calculation

Example 1: SGPA = 7.1
  • Step 1: SGPA x 10 = 7.1 x 10 = 71
  • Step 2: (SGPA x 10) – 7.5 = 71 – 7.5 = 63.5%

Grades Approved by UGC

Under UGC guidelines, many colleges and schools use letter grades to represent a grade point and a range of percentages. The accepted Letter Grades and Grade Points & Percentage range are below.

Percentage of Marks Letter Grade as per UGC Guidelines Grade Points
90-100% O (Outstanding) 10
80-90% A+ (Excellent) 9
70-80% A (Very Good) 8
60-70% B+ (Good) 7
50-60% B (Average) 6
40-50% C (Pass) 5
Below 40% F (Fail) 0
Absent AB 0

Difference between SGPA and CGPA

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is calculated annually.SGPA measures a student’s academic performance semester wise (6months). It simplifies grading and progress assessment for students.
Calculating CGPA using SGPA is a simple process, similar to playing tic tac toe.
To get the overall SGPA, just sum up the SGPA numbers from each semester and then divide the total by the number of semesters.

Frequent Asked Questions

If you have 6.5 SGPA it is equal to 57.5% which is a “Average B”  letter grade as per UGC guidelines.

If your SGPA nearly 10 then it is considered “O” as per UGC Grade guidelines

If you got 8.9 SGPA it means your percentage 81.5 as per UGC grade it is “A+” Excellent

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