
Percentage to CGPA Calculator Online

Converting Percentages to CGPA is a common method to evaluate academic result of students, Though there are many colleges and schools that are still using percentage method to evaluate candidate achievements, But using CGPA method simplified scores among different education system which is assist in admission process, job application and other field where grading scale is required 

Percentage to CGPA Converter


How to convert Percentage to CGPA?

If you know your earned percentage score, you can convert it to CGPA. Here are the basic steps to do it.

(Percentage / 9.5) = CGPA Final Value

The above formula works if your college or university uses a 10.0 grading scale. Divide your percentage by your grading scale point if it’s 4.0 or 5.0.

You can use this CGPA to percentage converter to calculate your percentage.

What is CGPA?

CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average which is used as a metric to evaluate a student’s overall academic performance, based on the assignment of grades such as A, B, C, D, or F. CGPA is a metric that calculates the average grade point achieved in all subjects, excluding additional subjects, according to the study scheme in India, the grading system is determined by the percentage achieved and varies across countries, reflecting their values and institutions.

Parameter Details
Full Form Cumulative Grade Point Average
Purpose Measures a student’s overall academic performance across semesters or the entire course duration.
Scale Typically ranges from 0 to 10 (in some systems, from 0 to 4).
Formula CGPA = (Sum of Grade Points Earned in All Subjects) ÷ (Total Number of Subjects)
Conversion to Percentage Percentage = CGPA × 9.5 (for most systems)
Usage Commonly used in universities, colleges, and schools to evaluate students’ performance.

Understanding grading system

A grading system is a method used by educational institutions to assess a student’s overall academic achievement. The scoring system evaluates a student’s performance by considering factors such as their proficiency, expertise, and understanding of a specific course or subject. While many grading systems are used worldwide, the following are among the most popular:

1: Percentage-based grading system

This grading system calculates a student’s performance by correct answer percentage. Answering 70% of questions correctly earns a 70% grade.

2: Point-based grading system:

In point-based grading, students are graded on a point scale. Measurements are usually rated 0–100 or 0–10. The student’s performance is then converted to a percentage.

3: CGPA-based system

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). The grade points for all courses/semesters are added and divided by the total number of courses.

Conversion Table – Percentage Into CGPA

Percentage CGPA (Approx.)
95 percent 10.000
92 percent 9.684
90 percent 9.474
87 percent 9.158
85 percent 8.947
83 percent 8.737
80 percent 8.421
77 percent 8.105
75 percent 7.895
72 percent 7.579
70 percent 7.368
67 percent 7.053
65 percent 6.842
62 percent 6.526
60 percent 6.316
57 percent 6.000
55 percent 5.789
52 percent 5.474
50 percent 5.263
47 percent 4.947
45 percent 4.737
42 percent 4.421
40 percent 4.211

Calculate Percentage to CGPA

We have provided percentage to CGPA conversion rates to help candidates understand their percentage scores.

Percentage Score CGPA Score Percentage Score CGPA Score
95 10.00 65 6.8421
90 9.4737 60 6.3157
85 8.9473 55 5.7894
80 8.4210 50 5.2631
75 7.8947 45 4.7368
70 7.3684 40 4.2105

To convert percentage to CGPA, use the formula: CGPA = (Percentage ÷ 9.5). If your percentage is 45.5, your CGPA is 4.55

The maximum CGPA is 9.5–10.

At Mumbai University, CGPA is converted to percentage using 7.1 * CGPA + 11. If your CGPA is 6.2, multiply it by 7.1 * 6.2 + 11 to get 55.02 percent.

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