
How to Convert GPA to Percentage? - GPA to Percentage Calculator

GPA to Percentage Converter


Understanding the GPA

Grade Point Average, or GPA, is a number that shows how well a student performed in school over a certain period of time, like a semester or an academic year. Most of the time, GPA is calculated by assigning numbers to grades and then getting the average score using these numbers.

A good grade point average (GPA) is important because it shows how well a student is succeeding in following the requirements of a course or degree program. At each university, there is a certain GPA level that students must achieve in order to get into the program they want.

Understanding how GPA is calculated and it is necessary to convert it to percentage. Steps to calculate average GPA:

  • Give each course a grade point value. Schools usually use a 4.0 scale, with A worth 4 points, B 3 points, C 2 points, D 1 point, and E 0 points.
  • Calculate course credit hours.
  • Multiply the grade point value by the credit hours for each course to calculate the total grade points earned in a term(s)/academic year.
  • Total the course grade points.
  • Add up the course credit hours.
    Divide grade points by credits to get the average GPA.

Let’s suppose that you got 4 subjects as part of your course.




Multiply grade points by subject credit hours and divide by total credit hours to calculate average GPA.

(3*3)+(3*4)+(2*4)+(3*2)/11 = 35/11 = 3.18

GPA averages 3.18 on a 4-point scale.

How many Types of GPA?

There are two type of GPA such as Weighted GPA and Unweighted GPA

Weighted vs. Unweighted GPA: 

Weighted GPA: Adds values to higher-level courses to reflect their difficulty. Advanced, honors, and other college-level courses receive five or six points instead of four.

An honors course A would be graded at 5.0 instead of 4.0.

Unweighted GPA:

However, GPA is calculated by multiplying grades by credit scores without considering course difficulty. The most common GPA is 4.0, with an A worth 4.0, a B 3.0, and so on.

Most schools give weighted GPAs for advanced or harder courses to encourage students to take them and improve their college eligibility.

Understanding the Percentage

Percentages are the standard way to address numbers around the world. Think like a baker for a moment. Like a recipe, the percentage tells you how much of each thing to use. Most of the time, grades for academic success are given on a scale from 0 to 100, with 100 meaning perfect performance.

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How to Convert GPA into Percentage?

Understand the institution/country’s grading system and follow these steps to convert GPA to percentage:

  • Find the highest GPA in your country or institution. If your school uses a 4.0 scale,
  • The highest GPA is 4.0.
  • Multiply GPA by 100.
  • Divide the result by the highest GPA.
  • Your percentage GPA is the result.

The following formula converts a 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale to a percentage: 3.5 x 100 = 350

350 / 4.0 = 87.5%

So, your 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale is 87.5%.

GPA to Percentage Converter in India

The process of converting GPA to percentages in India may appear confusing for international students. Are you one of those students? Don’t worry—we’ll explain this seemingly process.

In India, GPA is usually calculated from 10. This scale is not the US, Canadian, or Australian 4.0 scale. This difference can confuse many students when they try to figure out how grades translate into percentages.

If you’re not sure what to do, the GPA to Percentage Converter on a 10.0 Scale can help. These days, it’s easy to convert your GPA to a more accurate percentage. It will help you get into Indian colleges and universities and market yourself. This guide will help you find your way around India’s GPA to Percentage conversion.

1-Example: Your GPA is 7.5

7.5 x 10= 75, So your percentage is 75 on a Scale of 10

2-Example: Your GPA is 6.3

6.3 x 10= 63, Your percentage is 63

GPA to Percentage Converter in America

When it comes to school, a GPA of 4.0 is the same as getting an A. A GPA of 3.3, on the other hand, means you got a B+. In the United States, public schools use a different system for grades than schools in many other countries.

For example, if a student gets a 8 out of 10, this means they got a 80% grade in accordance to the percentage-based system. After that, students are ranked by how well they performed in school

1. Example: Your GPA is 2.6

2.6 x 100= 260

260/4.0= 65, So your percentage is 65 on a scale of 4.0

2. Example: Your GPA is 3.8

3.8 x 100 = 380

380/4.0=95, So your percentage is 95

GPA Percentage (4.0 Scale)
1.5 38%
2.0 50%
2.3 57.5%
2.5 62.5%
3.0 75%
3.18 79.5%
3.5 87.5%
3.8 95%
4.0 100%

GPA to Percentage Converter in Canada

Canadian schools calculate GPA using a 4.0 or 4.33 scale. Calgary University, the Memorial University of Newfoundland and and McGill University use this rubric. However, this Ontario university uses a 10-point GPA scale.

In some Canadian universities and schools, percentage scores are used to assign letter grades instead of GPA. Universities can easily demonstrate their academic success with this practice.

The scores are outstanding = A+, excellent = A, good = B, satisfactory = C, and acceptable = D.

GPA to Percentage Calculator for Australia

Australia uses a 7.0 grading scale. Passing grades are C (4.0-4.99), so 4.3 is within that range. HD, D, C, P, and F mean very good, pass, or fail. A 4.5 means a 50% average. The Australian grade conversion formulas are the same as elsewhere.


What grade scale does US use for GPA?

The US uses a 4.0 GPA scale, with 4.0 being the highest grade. High schools and universities use this scale.

What grade scale does India use for GPA?

In India most universities calculate GPA using a 10-point system, however some use a 4-point scale.

Is it important to convert GPA into percentage?

Schools and companies may require percentage-based academic credentials. Assigning a percentage to your GPA makes your achievements more meaningful and comparable worldwide.
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